
Showing posts from August, 2021

Communities are back!

COMMUNITIES ARE BACK  Ever thought about the relation between individualism and community in contemporary society? Are people’s needs individual or social in nature? Both arguments have been heard and often it seems to be context bound how people see the difference between them. At least, technological development, urbanization and raising individualism sound like a route map to modern society! Various aesthetic ideals have also used individualism as a starting point for an aesthetic experience in which canonized beauty and the intellectual qualities of each participant play an important role (e.g. Bordieu 1984, Danto 1964). This setting has also formed the basis for experience design in many art organizations already for decades. While emphasizing individualism, strong communities have been seen as relics of the past–as part of rural societies and pre-industrial way of life. Is this a reality nowadays, when covid-19 has mugged modern societies globally? At least, we have witnessed...